Ladies club championship competition was held in March 2018

Runner up Deirdre Donnelly

​Winner Terry McCarthy

Two Finalists Facing up to one another

Our handicap a was mixed .competition

Winner Joe Farrell

Runner up Mick Hayes

Top Lady Alice Kincaid  


 Terry                            Deirdre

Ladies Winner                 R/u

Bernadine O Carroll        Rose Kealy

Gents single's R/u

     Tony Kelly

Mixed Pairs R/U

Mick Keating----Marie Masterson

we had our flag unfurling day in August


Tom Farron

Rose Kealy

Brian Kealy

Maureen Moore

Ladies Single H/C Winner

Alice Kincade.

We took a trip to Sligo Bowling club on 21st& 22 March 2018



Club Champ of Champs Shield

Ladies Singles R/U

Maureen Moore

In 2014 We ran handicap compititions           

Winner Terry McCarthy

     RU Teresa Hayes

 Gents Winner                         R/u

Denis tracey                John O Reilly

Harry Smyth     Mick Keating   Shay Barry

Mens club Champion held in         March.

   Winner               ​Runner up

​Tom Scallan         Tony Kelly

2016 Club Competition & club Champion was sponsored by Trend Set

Gents Winner                            R/U                                                                          

Tom Farron                         Vincent Donevan


Men's Winner

Willie Harris

2015 .mixed Trips

Mens Winner

Mick Keating

R/U John O Reilly

ladies Handicap Competition 2017

Ladies Winner                            R/U

Alice Kincaid                       Terry McCarthy

Gents Single's R/u

Mick Keating

Ray Waterhouse cup held on 23 Sept  2018


2017 Club Champions 


​Marie Masterson    George McCarthy     Maura Moore

we had a visit from SARA          bowling club from Sligo a great fun day was had by all


Ladies Winner

Pat Travers

R/U Alice Kincaid

Winning Team

Frank Burton                                                                                         

Teresa Hayes

Pat Kelly

​Dave Bergin

Ladies single's Winner                   Ladie's R/u

     Rose Holmes                         Bernadine O Carroll

Runner's Up.

Brendan Graham

Teresa Hayes

Denis Patrick

George McCarthy

Runners up

Denis Patrick  Margaret Scallan Sean Donovan

Mixed Pairs Winners 

Teresa  Hayes & Bob Little

On 27 November 2016 We had a competition for Turkey vouchers

​about 40 of our members took part

Men's Singles  H/C Winner.

Tommy Scallan

Runners up

Peter Becton

Christy Fenlon


​Tommy Scallon


Winners                                R/u

Brendan  English                 Tom Scallon

Rose Kealy                           Maureen Moore

Brien Kealy                          Eamonn Maguire

Ray waterhouse Cup 2017 
