We held our annual general meeting on 27October 2021
we had reports from our
Ladies club captain
men's club captain
and our Bli rep
Due to Covid 19 restrictions no quarterly meetings took place this year
we are having our annual general meeting on
27 October 2021
Type your paragraph here.
Secretary's Report.
hi Members,Wellcome,thanking you for your attendance
Since our last AGM in October 2019 two topics impacted 0n our club Covid and our new extension to our clubhouse
This committee took office in Oct 2018
Covid has affected all our lives, Family, sometimes with sad, devastating consequences while also restricting our roll up & competitive game time at Greenhills as it has all sport some more then others.
In 2020 the BLI had hoped to stage a shortened league however this was not to be similarly no AWBl took place between Oct 2020 and March 2021
Our club was closed to members during level 5 lockdown
we did manage to get some practice in when level 3 allowed smaller numbers participate with all other restrictions allowed our members to attend as was their choice
members of this committee also limited contact with other clubs until
the situation improved and clearance came from Bli and Sports Irl
minutes of our last AGM 24 Oct 2020 were read and passed.
there are discussions going on re the feasibility of having our usual Christmas function with all thats going on
New Extension
we received a grant from Sport ireland through SDCC( thanks & well done Joe/Christy}
we have applied for a grant from SDCC for a ramp for wheelchair access to our new extension and are waiting word back any time now all going well this should be the final hurdle on this project
Personal Note
As per our constitution I am stepping down tonight as Club secretary
and i extend great thanks to and appreciation to past and present committee members whom voluntary give of their time and effort in the service of others In stepping down i will always make myself available when requested to advance the interests of this club
Treasurers Report
the treasurer presented us with a financial statement for the
Year Ended 30th September 2021 which showed us the club is in a very good financial state
we also had reports from our Ladies And Gents Club Captain
Captain Report
Summer League 2021 Results
Division 2 Saturday
because of covid in some other clubs we felt unwise to participate in some matches in this league so we had to concede a walkover in these matches
Division 5 Monday evening
We won this division by 3.5 Points
Vets1 Thursday
Joint 3rd with 28 Points
Vets 2 Thursday
Runners Up With 32.5 Points
The Captains thanked all who played in all the leagues and said the standard was very high and we can look forward to 2022 Season
we also had a report from our BLI Rep John Murphy on the meetings he attended
In house competitions
we had only three competition in 2021 due to covid 19
Ladies & Gents Club Championship
Ladies Winner Alice Kincaid runner up Pat travers
Final held on 14 November
Men's winner Mick Tapley runner up Vincent Donovan
also club Handicap final Winner Sean Donovan R/u Mick McDonagh
held on 5 December
we also had a Christmas Competition
Runners up
Rose Kealy Vincent Donovan Denis Tracey
Pat Travers Willie Harris Michael Keating
Well done all
we also got good news we have received a grant for to fit a ramp from our new extension to clubhouse